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Extracorporeal septorhinoplasty: Technical Note


Severe nasal septal deformities can be responsible for functional and aesthetic impairments. Correction of these deformities can be difficult and restoring perfect nasal shape and function is still challenging. Classical techniques can, sometimes, lead to disappointing results or relapse. In this article, the aim was to describe the different techniques of extracorporeal septorhinoplasty and fixation of the neoseptum. Three techniques are mainly used: “crisscross” suture, “U-shaped” suture and anterior septal reconstruction to fix the neoseptum after extracorporeal remodeling. All these techniques are technically demanding, especially concerning keystone area management; but, if well performed, could give satisfactory functional and aesthetic outcomes. We therefore think that extracorporeal septorhinoplasty should really improve our results concerning functional and aesthetic aspects in case of severe anterior or caudal septum deviation.

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